Call for projects: Let’s go, we innovate! 

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After two and a half years in business, GoRecycle is keen to explore new approaches to optimize the costs of its recovery program and improve the performance of its operations.

We are therefore proud to launch a call for projects with the aim of finding solutions or opportunities to reduce the cost of processing refrigerated and air-conditioned appliances under GoRecycle’s responsibility, while maintaining current environmental practices.


Non-profit organizations, recyclers, educational or research establishments, institutions and public bodies are all invited to respond to this call.

GoRecycle encourages any organization with knowledge of waste management and a good understanding of the extended producer responsibility principle to participate in this call.


Projects submitted will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The project reduces costs by improving outlets for residual materials or by reducing the cost of processing materials, including halocarbons;
  • The project’s return on investment is 3 years or less;
  • The project meets the requirements of the Regulation respecting the recovery and reclamation of products by enterprises (RRVPE);
  • Project objective, scope and milestones are clear and well defined;
  • The project schedule is realistic;
  • The project could be replicated by several GoRecycle partner recyclers.


  • You must complete and submit the application form no later than 11:59 p.m. on April 26, 2024.
  • Attach any additional relevant documents to support your application (letter, Power Point presentation, etc.).
  • For your application to be accepted, send the application form with the additional documents by e-mail to [email protected].
  • GoRecycle will contact you on May 31, 2024.

Download the form here (french)

About GoRecycle

GoRecycle is the only organization recognized by RECYC-QUÉBEC that ensures the responsible recycling of cooling appliances in Quebec. We recycle refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers, wine coolers, dehumidifiers and water coolers through over 300 drop-off points in Quebec, and over 100 banner pickup partners with the purchase of a new fridge. GoRecycle is a non-profit organization (NPO).