Towards a change in recycling habits in Quebec.

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Message from the General Manager

GoRecycle is a young organization founded in 2021 that has already demonstrated the seriousness of its mission and the determination of its team to make a difference for Quebec. This first full year has enabled us to deepen our relationships with our network and with communities across Quebec. Every day confirms the validity of our mission.

Our environmental performance is a prime example: we increased the volume of materials recovered compared with last year and achieved a recovery rate of over 95%.

These results confirm GoRecycle’s leadership in promoting and implementing circular economy initiatives that make a real difference, throughout Quebec. Every tonne of greenhouse gas emissions avoided – more than 140,000 tonnes (CO2 eq.) by 2022 – is a concrete step towards achieving the ambitious environmental goals Quebec has set itself.

Jules Foisy Lapointe, General Manager, GoRecycle

Highlights of the report

GoRecycle is the only management organisation recognized by RECYC-QUÉBEC to manage the recovery of household appliances and air conditioners, and has an important mission to implement effective, efficient, and environmentally sustainable programmes and solutions.

The organization had a decisive year in 2022, demonstrating the relevance of its mission, the effectiveness of its activities, and its collaborative approach that helps generate behaviour changes that benefit Quebec. This annual report presents a positive picture, paving the way for the future of the organization based on the successes achieved and the challenges still to be overcome.

A well-performing organisation bringing people together

GoRecycle is:

  • A fast-growing team
  • Healthy governance practices
  • 178 members (+ 20 in 2022)
  • More than 480 points of deposit, including more than 270 accessible to the public

Performance of recovery

  • An overall increase of 7% in the recovery rate in 2022 compared with 2021
  • 58% increase in recovery performance for category 1 appliances
  • 61% increase in recovery performance for category 3 appliances

A local and social commitment to Quebec

  • Successful first advertising and awareness campaign
  • Promotion of the 3Rs (source reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery)
  • Collaboration with Quebec recyclers for all the appliances recovered
  • Social economy support through the employment of recovery companies with a social mission
  • Partnership with retailers to collect and recycle used fridges and freezers free of charge when buying a new one

An innovative approach acknowledged by the industry

  • Recognition by the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Forum in 2022
  • Innovation award from Ecotech Québec for GoRecycle’s work on innovation and the development of Puresphera’s activities

About GoRecycle

GoRecycle is the only organization recognized by RECYC-QUÉBEC that ensures the responsible recycling of cooling appliances in Quebec. We recycle refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers, wine coolers, dehumidifiers and water coolers through over 300 drop-off points in Quebec, and over 100 banner pickup partners with the purchase of a new fridge. GoRecycle is a non-profit organization (NPO).